I channel Nature * work with animals * I light heal.
I see my work not as ´work´, just like I see animals not as
´animals´. I ´see´ them as Source beings. I see their 'light'.
And I am simply here to share my gift. I channel. I light heal.
I work in a metaphysical and shamanic way with them
and use the energies from my hands, plants, crystals, herbs, homeopathy and more. To create a different
path to healing. A Source based one. As we are
all made from it. Feel free to read further...
I Channel, I heal
our inner light flow, our nature
Soul Communication with Animals
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'All of Nature is a doorway to the Otherworld.'
And we can use it, as we are a part of it.
Our animals thank us.
'The Same'
'The Same'
'The Same'
'The Same'
'The Same'
Sun of Mar
Sun of Mar
A Divinely Inspired Animal Practice
Nature's essences &
Healing Remedies
All of Nature is a doorway to the divine. The energies, strength and beauty of plants, flowers, herbs, crystals, seem to amaze us.These spirits of nature delight our senses and open our hearts. They can reach into our essence and the essence of our animals.
And in working with them, it enables me to create natural healing treatments, which assists the body heal itself. Homeopathic tinctures, Quantum Healing Waters, plant energy remedies, flower essences, herbal remedies, essential oils, gem-essences are healing remedies which I attune to and connect to your animals frequency. In short, I match your animal to whatever plant, flower, crystal they need. That's why everything 'natural solution' is custom made. For your horse, your dog (and yourself if you prefer).
How does a Timcture or Quantum remedy work?
For instance using homeopathic tinctures, we enable ourselves to instruct our body, and our innate will start to react, and the chemistry of our body will start to react, as it will hear the instructions from a higher consious living frequency/being. As tinctures, essences, homeopathics are 'deprived' from the energies, the frequencies, from this or that particular plant, flower, gem, herb, watersubstance it can 'communicate'.
'Until man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so called scientific knowledge. Remedies from chemicals will never stand in favorable comparison with products of nature, the living cell of the plant, the final result of the rays of the sun,
the mother of all life'
- Thomas Edison -